Saturday 19 October 2013

Wildlife photography 2013

The Natural History Museum held a wildlife photography competition, and the results are in.

The website is sort of confusing if you ask me, but here are some of my favourites:

Saturday 5 October 2013


So I'm reading this book called Evolution by Stephen Baxter and it has got me thinking of time. In this book the story of the evolution of mammals - more specifically, of primates - is traced from tiny shrew-like animals that existed at the time of the dinosaurs to us Humans, and even to our descendents thousands and millions of years into the future. Obviously, this is a work of fiction and uses liberal doses of speculation, but it is all based on what we might call a plausible reality.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Holy crow!

I love displays of intelligence in other animals - I love anything that makes us reconsider our perceived exceptionalism. A while back I was on dolphins, now it's onto the family Corvidae. The corvids include jays, ravens, rooks, magpies, and crows, along with a few others. The species that has been getting the most attention over the past decade have been crows.

More after the caw cut