Sunday 22 September 2013

What if Seinfeld still on today?

Alright, this one takes a little set-up. I came across this on slate today during some down time at work. Apparently the twitter account @SeinfeldToday was named one of Time's top twitter accounts of 2013. The author basically posts synopses of would-be Seinfeld episodes if Seinfeld was still on the air today. For example:

Jerry's parents video chat him but always call it "THE Skype," which slowly drives Jerry crazy. JERRY:"There's no 'the.' Stop adding 'the'!"

Kramer becomes an obsessive, but almost always wrong wikipedia editor. George can't keep himself from texting women back right away

Once you comb through a few dozen of these you basically get the idea. Just put the words Jerry or George next to words like iPhone and Craigslist and presto! That's what it would be like if Seinfeld were on TV today. I think it was the Slate article that made the valid point that these tweets are really just random strings of nouns. Enter Seinfeld2000. This account directly parodies SeinfeldToday and at the same time mocks every trend and meme we hold so dear, which at the end of the day seems closer to the real 'spirit' of Seinfeld. I found it really hilarious. There are lots of spelling mistakes, all purposefully done, which adds to the absurd humour, and kind of makes it seem like these tweets are being pumped out by a spambot.

 If you like that then you may also like this video created by the same person (who remains anonymous). I can't embed the video, so you'll have to go to the website:

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