Friday 8 November 2013

Ancient Aliens

I had heard of Ancient Aliens before last night, mostly through the alien guy meme,

Exhibit A:
But I had never witnessed the profound silliness of it firsthand...

I was browsing the channels, brain in a near-vegetative state, when I saw that this show was on the History Channel. How bad could it be? Everyone knows of the History Channel's legendary integrity. When I tuned in they were talking about the story in the Bible where Moses, Aaron, and some of the Pharaoh's priests were dueling it out to see who possessed the most powerful magic. First Moses commands Aaron to throw down his rod, and when he does the rod becomes a snake. The priests are able to replicate this feat but Aaron's serpent devours that of the priests. This exchange eventually culminates in Moses causing the Nile river to turn into blood, which was the first of the ten plagues. Now, in the bible it is God who is behind Moses' supernatural abilities, but Ancient Aliens has a different theory. See, why would a supposedly benevolent deity visit so much harm upon so many innocent people? There must be some other explanation (aside from that it's a story, or there were natural causes, of course.) And there is: aliens.

Aliens were working through Moses, maybe lending him some of their technology or something. Anyway, the whole thing was the very height of ridiculous, very painful to watch. I think it is a sorry state of affairs.

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